Are you blogging for a long time, may be years? So I think you have a few abandoned/ dead blogs in your collection. Now you don’t know when you’ll feel creative to work on an old blog again; maybe your friend or partner have given you an old blog to re-populate it again -so how to start over again? Let’s find out!

Why working on an old blog rather than starting a new one?
The answer is, “Old is gold!” in web life, old domains and sites are much appreciated because age is one of the important factors to get higher rankings. Your old blog may already have developed some higher positions in the search engine. Chris Garrett started to blog on his old domain because it’s 7 years old and has better status on search engines.
Your old blog may have lots of incoming links and this is why you should rebuild it again. There may be few but interested people who regularly visit the blog.
Start with a new commitment!
Create a new tagline for your blog and start with a new spirit. Starting it again may be difficult so you can bring on the best of your articles once again for your new readers.
Have a new design
Choosing a new design/ theme will make it look like a new blog. Set a much better looking theme and start blogging.
Cover new things on the niche
Write new articles and write regularly. When your readers will know that this blog is updating regularly, they will come back often.
Create a buzz
Email your friends and leave comments that you’ve re opened your old blog. Use social media or even run a contest to make your blog hot.
Keep your blog ad free
For the first few months, go on turbo and make your blog ad free. This way, readers will be interested in your blog and they will keep coming. Try to post more good quality articles regularly.
Free giveaway
Create an ebook with your old articles and give away for free. Give free articles, newsletters and full rss feeds. You can also give away free entrecard credits to make your readers interested.
Buy advertisements
Buy some cheap banners, reviews and links from blogs in your niche. This will help you to re populate your old blog faster.
Set a deadline!
Set a personal deadline such as achieving xxx RSS readers in 3 months, getting xxx visitors in a month and you’ll achieve it.
Are you planning on a dead blog?
Do you have any dead blogs? Are you planing to re-populate it? Share it with us and how you’re working on it?
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